Efficacy or benefits of garlic was not only to make into a savory dish or as a spice in cooking course , but there are many other things that can be utilized from the Puth onions mainly to world health .
Plants are known by the Latin name Allium sativum is a plant originating from Central Asia around 50-60 cm tall and belongs to the family Liliacea .
Keep in mind , the garlic will have optimal properties if consumed in a raw state , still fresh and clean white .
Garlic as well as choose which tuber full, soft , free from damage and stains black and not green sprout .
Efficacy And Nutrition Garlic .
Nutrient properties of garlic garlic is very high when compared with other types of onions , the following nutritional content that is contained in garlic :
1 . Vitamin C
2 . Mineral P , Ca and K
3 . Fe and Vitamin B
Besides having a high nutrient content of garlic also has a property that is not less great , including :
1 . Inhibits deterioration of the brain and the immune system
2 . Helps prevent aging process . Inhibit cancer cell growth .
3 . By eating garlic , cancer risk can be reduced .
4 . Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol levels .
5 . Substance anti - cholesterol in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clots .
6 . Garlic can help relieve stress , anxiety , and depression .
7 . With a softer effect . Garlic contains vitamin A.
8 . Garlic contains vitamin B.
9 . Garlic contains vitamin C.
benefits of garlic
10 . Garlic contains calcium .
11 . Garlic contains potassium
12 . Garlic contains antioxidants . Garlic contains carotene and selenium
13 . Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic a day , will avoid the possibility of heart disease .
14 . Cure high blood pressure
15 . Relieve gastric ulcer
16 . Lowers cholesterol in the blood
17 . Increases blood insulin for diabetics .
18 . Knocking out free radicals that disrupt the immune system
19 . Useful as an antidote ( detoxifier ) that protects the body from various diseases .
20 . Helps adding appetite when eaten raw
21 . Maintain stamina
22 . Containing efficacy of antimicrobial , antithrombotic , hypolipidemic , anti- arthritis , hypoglycemic , and also has anti Vitas as anti- tumor .
23 . Nourish hair or treat hair loss
24 . Clearing Acne
25 . Preventing and treating influenza
26 . Able to overcome skin diseases
27 . Can Controlling weight
28 . Heals wounds flakes
29 . Curing thrush
putih30 onion side effects . Protects against cancer
31 . Antidote to the poison
32 . Treating digestive disorder .
33 . Lowering blood sugar .
Thus the benefits of garlic which is extraordinary for your health . Hopefully by reading this short article , you insight on the efficacy of garlic growing.
Plants are known by the Latin name Allium sativum is a plant originating from Central Asia around 50-60 cm tall and belongs to the family Liliacea .
Keep in mind , the garlic will have optimal properties if consumed in a raw state , still fresh and clean white .
Garlic as well as choose which tuber full, soft , free from damage and stains black and not green sprout .
Efficacy And Nutrition Garlic .
Nutrient properties of garlic garlic is very high when compared with other types of onions , the following nutritional content that is contained in garlic :
1 . Vitamin C
2 . Mineral P , Ca and K
3 . Fe and Vitamin B
Besides having a high nutrient content of garlic also has a property that is not less great , including :
1 . Inhibits deterioration of the brain and the immune system
2 . Helps prevent aging process . Inhibit cancer cell growth .
3 . By eating garlic , cancer risk can be reduced .
4 . Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol levels .
5 . Substance anti - cholesterol in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clots .
6 . Garlic can help relieve stress , anxiety , and depression .
7 . With a softer effect . Garlic contains vitamin A.
8 . Garlic contains vitamin B.
9 . Garlic contains vitamin C.
benefits of garlic
10 . Garlic contains calcium .
11 . Garlic contains potassium
12 . Garlic contains antioxidants . Garlic contains carotene and selenium
13 . Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic a day , will avoid the possibility of heart disease .
14 . Cure high blood pressure
15 . Relieve gastric ulcer
16 . Lowers cholesterol in the blood
17 . Increases blood insulin for diabetics .
18 . Knocking out free radicals that disrupt the immune system
19 . Useful as an antidote ( detoxifier ) that protects the body from various diseases .
20 . Helps adding appetite when eaten raw
21 . Maintain stamina
22 . Containing efficacy of antimicrobial , antithrombotic , hypolipidemic , anti- arthritis , hypoglycemic , and also has anti Vitas as anti- tumor .
23 . Nourish hair or treat hair loss
24 . Clearing Acne
25 . Preventing and treating influenza
26 . Able to overcome skin diseases
27 . Can Controlling weight
28 . Heals wounds flakes
29 . Curing thrush
putih30 onion side effects . Protects against cancer
31 . Antidote to the poison
32 . Treating digestive disorder .
33 . Lowering blood sugar .
Thus the benefits of garlic which is extraordinary for your health . Hopefully by reading this short article , you insight on the efficacy of garlic growing.
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