
High Blood Left, I could Dialysis

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This man , say Mr. A , 51 years old , already undergoing hemodialysis (dialysis ) 2 times a week since three years ago . According to his testimony , before the illness was diagnosed with chronic kidney which eventually must undergo hemodialysis , he suffered from hypertension .

" My blood pressure up over 200 , doctor . , But did not feel anything , when occasionally my head hurt , I buy enough drugs in the shop , " he said .
Many other patients almost the same story , due to hypertension , and then suddenly there is having a stroke , heart attack and so on . No wonder that hypertension is labeled the silent killer . Hypertension likened to thieves sneaking into the house , drain valuables . We realized when it lost valuable belongings and we need it .

So is the father of the above , hypertension caused him to lose to the two kidneys . Physically kidney was still there , but it does not work anymore . The kidneys were not working anymore , as God has designed it , clean up waste combustion in the body , maintaining the chemical balance , body fluids , produce hormones , and others .

Well , imagine if the kidneys are like that , can not filter the fluid , clean the blood , producing urine , the water will accumulate in our bodies . As a result, the higher the blood pressure , the heart enlarges , experience fatigue , your body will swell . In addition , because the garbage burning remnants in our body also can not be removed by the kidneys , then the waste will be toxic . All the organs of the body will be damaged as well . As a result of all this, shortness of breath , easy fatigue , weakness , nausea , vomiting , dizziness , no appetite will appear .

Before hemodialysis machines that work replaces kidney function was found ( in the new Indonesia in the late 1970s ) , patients with chronic end stage renal disease , or kidney failure is not how long after the diagnosis is made , it will usually die .
Thankfully with the development of technology , people with renal failure undergoing hemodialysis , within certain limits , quality of life could be better . Unfortunately, in addition to require expensive , access is difficult , the artificial kidney never be the same with God's creation kidney .

Then , " why patients above , or most other patients just realized , after falling in the condition , the disease is advanced , must undergo hemodialysis ? " One answer is , that chronic kidney disease , such as hypertension also did not give the typical symptoms at first .

Decreased renal function and 60 percent sometimes do not cause symptoms . Uremia due to complaints like fatigue , nausea , vomiting , no appetite is often felt by the patient , at the time of kidney function has been greatly decreased .
Therefore , to watch is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease was . The risk factors , in addition to hypertension , is diabetes mellitus, kidney stones , medicine tertetentu - especially pain relievers , arthritis medications , herbs , some herbs - kidney glomerular disease , kidney infections , tumors and others.

That's why , if we have these risk factors , it should be well controlled . Such as hypertension , blood pressure must be controlled to less than 140/90 mm ​​Hg , diabetes , fasting blood sugar less than 140 mg / dl , and 2 hours after eating less than 180 mg / dl . If you no kidney stones , urinary tract infection , do not be left alone .

In addition , for the presence of impaired renal function , it can be seen from the simple fact of our urine . The number increases or decreases urine than usual , frequent night urination , urine froth foaming - containing protein or blood in the urine , a sign of kidney disease that we may experience . Unfortunately , most of us do not realize it .
To that end , in fact in those who have risk factors for chronic kidney disease , sebaikya simple examination for the presence of proteins , and red blood cells in the urine . Under normal circumstances it does not exist , but the impaired renal function , protein and red blood cells in the urine will be obtained , because the kidneys can not filter it .

Suppose it is known that urinary abnormalities earlier , much can be done to prevent the further deterioration of renal function . In hypertensive patients , for example , the choice right medication , lifestyle changes , diet or diet ( protein restriction , salt ) , memghentikan cigarettes can slow the process of worsening renal function , so you do not need dialysis

So , not only threatening hypertensive heart and brain alone . Your kidneys can also be destroyed. Therefore, do not ignore , control well . If not , chances are you undergoing hemodialysis (dialysis ) patients as above can happen . And remember , that in the United States about 30 of them who have hemodialysis is due to hypertension , while in Indonesia, approximately 10 of the 100 patients .


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